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Construction Contractors: Non-Revenue and Non-Lease Accounting Considerations (4 hours)


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4.0 Credits

Member Price $213.00

Non-Member Price $261.00


Understanding the accounting for construction contractors can be quite a task. Many believe revenue recognition is the only important topic. Just as important is all of the non-revenue accounting. Here we will dive into it.


  • Types of contractors
  • Non-revenue GAAP accounting for contractors
  • Contractor financial statements
  • Sureties and their place in the construction relationship

    Designed For

  • New staff to experienced staff with construction clients.


    • Recall key considerations regarding the construction industry and the players who take part.
    • Identify key concepts related to up-to-date GAAP accounting methods applicable to construction contractors.
    • Recall the key portions of construction contractor financial statements.
    • Understand what a surety is and how they assist in the overall construction process.


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  • Non-Member Price $261.00

    Member Price $213.00