Power BI – Share Your Data Analysis using PowerBI.com (2 hours)
In this webcast, part of the 2020 Power BI Series, you will learn the interface as well as the benefits of using PowerBI.com. You will also learn how to use PowerBI.com to leverage the work performed in Power Pivot or Power BI Desktop.
A tour of the PowerBI.com interface
Sharing data with Power Pivot and Power BI Desktop
Creating visualizations and turning them into dashboards
Sharing visualizations and dashboards with others
This cou
This class does not require any Excel or PowerBI Desktop knowledge, however, having such knowledge can reduce your learning curve.
Designed For
Anyone who wants to learn how to analyze data
- Identify the components of the PowerBI.com interface
- Use PowerBI.com to connect data models
- Use PowerBI.com to create interactive visualizations and dashboards
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Non-Member Price $142.00
Member Price $118.00