Not-for-Profit Knowledge Network: Policies & Procedures to Prevent Pitfalls (1 hour - morning) - Webcast
OSCPA Members: One hour FREE CPE offered at each knowledge network!
The OSCPA Not-for-Profit Knowledge Networks offer a great opportunity to explore important not-for-profit topics in one-hour informal discussions with experts and peers - and to obtain valuable CPE.
Developed by OSCPA Not-for-Profit Strategic Committee.
More details coming soon!
Designed For
The OSCPA Not-for-Profit Knowledge Network (KNET) is designed for OSCPA members working with and within the not-for-profit sector.
To provide an overview and update of important issues impacting the not-for-profit arena.
This event is part of the following bundles:
Leader Bios
Brooke Stout, Assurance Manager, Moss Adams LLP
edited 9/25/24
Chelsea Ritchie, Moss Adams LLP
edit 9-25-24
Member Price $0.00