CPE + Events Catalog

Not-for-Profit Knowledge Network: Benefits of Being a Board Member (1 hour - morning) - Beaverton
1.0 Credits
OSCPA Members: One hour FREE CPE offered at each knowledge network! The OSCPA Not-for-Profit Knowledge Networks offer a great opportunity to explore important not-for-profit topics in one-hour informal discussions with experts and peers - and to obtain valuable CPE. Developed by OSCPA Not-for-Profit Strategic Committee.
Not-for-Profit Knowledge Network: Benefits of Being a Board Member (1 hour - morning) - Webcast
1.0 Credits
OSCPA Members: One hour FREE CPE offered at each knowledge network! The OSCPA Not-for-Profit Knowledge Networks offer a great opportunity to explore important not-for-profit topics in one-hour informal discussions with experts and peers - and to obtain valuable CPE. Developed by OSCPA Not-for-Profit Strategic Committee.