CPE + Events Catalog

From Plan to Practice: Successfully Implementing Your Firm's Quality Management System (4 hours - early morning) - Webcast
4.0 Credits
Member Price: $205
The accounting profession is undergoing a major transformation with the introduction of the AICPA's new Quality Management (QM) standards, effective December 15, 2025. These standards replace traditional quality control models with a proactive, risk-based approach that firms must tailor to their unique services and operations. Understanding these changes is critical for firms of all sizes to maintain compliance and uphold engagement quality. This seminar is designed to help CPA firms transition to the new QM framework. Gain an in-depth overview of Statements on Quality Management Standards (SQMS) Nos. 1 and 2, practical implementation strategies, and key insights to ensure your firm is prepared for the upcoming deadline.OSCPA has partnered with the Iowa Society of CPAs for this event.
2025 Accounting & Auditing Update for Small Businesses (4 hours - afternoon) - NEW! - Webcast Replay
4.0 Credits
Member Price: $195
This update course focuses on the accounting and auditing changes that matter most to small businesses. We'll begin with an overview of the FASB's Accounting Standards Updates (ASUs) most likely to impact small business entities, followed by insights from the 2024 Private Company Council (PCC) Review and FASB's Invitation to Comment - Agenda Consultation, which will guide future standard-setting initiatives relevant to small businesses. Next, we'll explore alternative financial reporting frameworks that may offer practical solutions for small businesses seeking options beyond US GAAP. Finally, we'll shift to the auditing perspective, examining the new quality management standards that practitioners providing attest services including compilations for small business clients must implement. This session equips you with the insights and tools needed to navigate the evolving landscape of small business accounting and auditing with confidence.
Haig's Preparation, Compilation and Review Standards Update: The Best SSARS Update for Practitioners - Webcast
8.0 Credits
Member Price: $320
This course includes an analysis of all the relevant authoritative pronouncements that a CPA must understand in order to properly perform preparation, compilation and review engagements. Troublesome areas as identified in peer reviews and litigation will be addressed. Participants who take this course will enjoy a smooth sailing in their peer reviews guaranteed! The new Quality Management Standards that replace the Quality Control Standards will be discussed! Don't miss this chance to elevate your skills and stay ahead of the curve. Walter Haig's Preparation, Compilation, and Review Standards Update is not just an event; it's an investment in your professional success!
2025 Governmental Auditing Update: Yellow Book & Uniform Guidance (3 hours - morning) - Webcast Replay
3.0 Credits
Member Price: $105
This course provides a concise update on key changes in governmental auditing. We'll review the 2024 Yellow Book updates, including the shift from quality control to quality management, key audit matters, and implementation timelines. For Single Audits, we'll cover the 2024 Uniform Guidance updates, the 2025 Compliance Supplement, GAO reports on improper payments and fraud, the Financial Data Transparency Act (FDTA), and recent Department of Education guidance on related parties. Stay informed on critical standards and updates to ensure compliance and audit quality. YELLOW BOOK: Qualifies for Yellow Book CPE based on your unique audited entity.
Annual Update for Accountants and Auditors with Audit Technology Hot Topics - Webcast Replay
8.0 Credits
Member Price: $315
While the pace of FASB's standard-setting has slowed in recent years, the standards that have been issued will be impactful for many organizations. This course will begin with a review of standards effective in 2025 for public, private, and nonprofit organizations. From there, we'll explore upcoming standards, FASB exposure drafts, and ongoing projects to ensure you're prepared for what's next in financial reporting. The second half of the course will shift focus to developments at the AICPA. From quality management to ethics standards and the talent pipeline, there's no shortage of activity. We'll start with a detailed look at the quality management standards effective this year and their impact on firms, including changes to the Peer Review Program. Next, we'll cover essential ethics standards and the latest SSARS updates. We'll also examine common deficiencies in employee benefit plan (EBP) audits and discuss the initiatives of the National Pipeline Advisory Group.