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Showing 4819 Vendor Webcasts Results

CFO Series: Insurance- How to Manage Your Insurance Program? (2 hours)



2.0 Credits

Member Price: $89

At its core, insurance is risk management. What insurance does the organization need? What types? What limits should we buy? How large of a deductible should we accept? What is the difference between a deductible and a self-insured retention? What do I need to know about insurance contracts? What should I expect of my insurance broker? What coverage is available and what do I need to buy? Specifically designed for any leader responsible for insurance and risk, the insurance function is critical to the ongoing viability of an organization. We will review a practical approach to managing insurance.

Excel – Feature Review in 100 minutes (2 hours) [NT]



2.0 Credits

Member Price: $89

Over the years, Excel has added MANY new features and functionality, yet most people still use it the same way they first learned it. Many of the features were added to Excel to enhance your ability to create spreadsheets more efficiently and with more accuracy. However, if you aren't aware of these new features, how can you use them? This class will focus on walking through each ribbon (menu) to explain the capability of various features in Excel. It is a great overview for both new and advanced Excel users to make sure you know all the capabilities of Excel. You may have seen many of the features but had no idea what they could do for you. This class will help you to understand these features and determine how you might take advantage of their capabilities. This session is presented using Excel 2019/Office 365. Regardless of the version you are using, most concepts covered in this course apply to all versions of Excel. This event may be a rebroadcast of a live event and the instructor will be available to answer your questions during the event.

Microsoft 365 Deployment Bootcamp for Your Practice (4 hours) [NT]



4.0 Credits

Member Price: $149

Join us for an insightful presentation featuring John Higgins, a renowned technology advisor to the CPA profession, who has assisted many firms with Microsoft 365 (M365) deployment. Discover how to leverage the M365 suite of apps to unlock new efficiencies and opportunities within your firm. Don't miss this chance to supercharge your practice with cutting-edge tools! Whether you are a solo practitioner or larger firm, this "bootcamp" will provide you with an ROI many times greater than your investment to attend. This event may be a rebroadcast of a live event and the instructor will be available to answer your questions during the event.

2024 A Practitioner's Guide to IRAs and Qualified Retirement Plans



8.0 Credits

Member Price: $225

Are you ready to expand your practice and offer comprehensive retirement planning services? Look no further! Delve deeper into the realm of IRAs and qualified retirement plans with this comprehensive eight-hour course tailored for financial practitioners. Understanding the intricate tax implications, design options, and strategic considerations of these plans is essential for meeting your clients' diverse retirement needs effectively. By the end of the program, practitioners will emerge equipped to confidently advise clients on a myriad of retirement planning strategies, enhancing their expertise and credibility in the field. Explore the intricacies of different IRAs, ranging from traditional to Roth, and gain valuable insights into SEPs, qualified plans, and contribution plans. Navigate through the complexities of 401(k) plans, including Roth 401(k)s, and master the art of seamlessly navigating minimum distribution rules. Through practical highlights, case studies, and real-world scenarios, this course empowers practitioners to not only select the optimal retirement plans for their clients' unique financial goals but also to provide personalized retirement solutions tailored to individual needs. Don't miss out on this opportunity to elevate your practice and establish yourself as a trusted advisor in retirement planning. Enroll today and embark on a journey towards maximizing your clients' financial future! **Please Note:  If you need credit reported to the IRS for this IRS approved program, please download the IRS CE request form on the Course Materials Tab and submit to

Audit 303: Internal Controls – Required Communications (2 hours)



2.0 Credits

Member Price: $89

Internal Control Deficiencies and Other Matters - Adding Value Through Required Auditor Communications will help the auditor with understanding how to improve required internal control communications to be more value-added from the perspective of the client. Professional and regulatory audit standards require communication of internal control matters noted in a financial statement audit. This assists management and those charged with governance with satisfying responsibilities for designing, implementing, maintaining, and monitoring internal controls. In addition, in order to retain existing clients, lower fee pressures and gain invaluable referral sources, financial statement auditors must place a priority on being a value-added business advisor. Note: This course is recommended as a part of a 16-hour audit skills curriculum for in-charge or supervisor auditors, while it is also appropriate for anyone who has responsibilities for communicating internal control related matters to the client. This event may be a rebroadcast of a live event and the instructor will be available to answer your questions during the event.

2024 AICPA Regulatory Ethics Update (2 hours)



2.0 Credits

Member Price: $79

The Professional Ethics Executive Committee (PEEC) of the AICPA has been very busy issuing new and updating existing ethics rules. This course will provide an overview of recently issued and soon to be effective ethics rules that CPAs in both industry and public accounting need to know to be compliant.

Becoming Conflict Competent (2 hours) [NT]



2.0 Credits

Member Price: $89

Conflict is often avoided, or dealt with in a passive manner. When ignored, conflict often escalates and can become polarizing. In this session, participants will gain insights for enhancing their natural responses to conflict, learn healthy communication styles, and build constructive behaviors to manage conflict. This event may be a rebroadcast of a live event and the instructor will be available to answer your questions during the event.

2024 Accounting & Auditing Update for Small Businesses (4 hours)



4.0 Credits

Member Price: $129

For many small businesses, the standards issued by the FASB may have little to no effect as they impact topics that do not reflect the type of transactions that these entities most frequently experience. This class will focus on the Accounting Standards Updates (ASUs) that are most likely to impact small businesses with a focus on ASUs initiated by the Private Company Council (PCC). We'll then look at alternative reporting options to GAAP including FRF for SMEs and IFRS for SMEs for entities who don't necessarily need to prepare GAAP financial statements but want to use accrual accounting. Finally, we will transition to audit standards that small business auditors will need to implement. 

Ethics: How to Give and Receive Criticism the Right Way (2 hours) [NT]



2.0 Credits

Member Price: $89

How well do you accept criticism? How might it enrich your business - and you - if you did a better job of it? This distinctive webinar will show you why it is in your best interest to accept criticism with gratitude. It's even better to welcome criticism. It's also a good idea to learn how to give criticism the right way. A related topic is the art of giving and receiving apologies, and we'll do a deep dive into this area as well. You'll leave with clear guidelines for how to criticize others, accept criticism from them, give meaningful apologies, and accept apologies with grace and ethical intelligence. The result will be a stronger CPA practice and a better you. This event may be a rebroadcast of a live event and the instructor will be available to answer your questions during the event.

Surgent's Progressive Discipline and Termination (2 hours) [NT]



2.0 Credits

Member Price: $99

Employee discipline is always challenging. Training on proper progressive discipline is critical to avoiding potential lawsuits while also trying to bring out the best possible employee performance. This webinar is designed to assist human resources professionals and managers in understanding the best ways to use progressive discipline as both a management and risk reduction tool. The webinar also will address best practices with regard to the employee termination process.

Ethics – A Line in the Sand; Implications for Daily Business (4.2 hours) [NT]



4.0 Credits

Member Price: $129

Ethical behavior continues to be a problem in society and even in the CPA ranks. "Ethics - A Line in the Sand" looks at the behavioral issues that influence how CPA's act. The course will address why individuals make ethical blunders, the state of ethical conduct in business organizations, the relationship between strong cultures, policy and procedures and successful ethical work environments. In addition, the course will highlight the one behavior to watch for as an indicator of potential ethical violations.

Adobe Acrobat – Increase Your Productivity With PDF Files (4 hours) [NT]



4.0 Credits

Member Price: $149

Think about how much time you spend reviewing and creating PDF files. This course teaches you how to take advantage of a multitude of features and functions available in Adobe Acrobat to create, review, organize, edit and secure your PDF files more effectively and efficiently. Like many personal productivity software applications, it is very likely that you are using only a fraction of the potential of Adobe Acrobat when working with your PDF files. For many CPAs, a PDF file is the final presentation of your work product, whether it is a tax return, financial statement, audit report or other financial reports. This course will teach you how improve the quality of those report presentations. The tips you learn in this course will save you time on a daily basis. This event may be a rebroadcast of a live event and the instructor will be available to answer your questions during the event.

Ethics: Avoiding the Slippery Slope of Ethical Pressures (4 hours) [NT]



4.0 Credits

Member Price: $225

Maintaining an ethical climate (bold) Being on prime-time news might seem exciting, but not when the story is an ethics breach you committed. You may say, "that will never happen to me". And those were the words spoken by Wells Fargo, United Airlines, Senator Al Franken, and Steve Wynn. A claim of an ethical failure can stay in the news for almost five years. That's long enough to damage your reputation and lower your profitability. Upholding high ethical standards for yourself and your team requires constant care and feeding.

Engagement Management with the Microsoft 365 Planner App (2 hours) [NT]



2.0 Credits

Member Price: $89

Are you using Excel to keep track of progress and task completion for your engagements? Or, are you using a sophisticated engagement management app that takes too much time or requires too much information to keep your task completion progress up to date? Worst of all, are you relying primarily on email communications to keep track of your engagement task completion progress? If any of these scenarios apply to your practice, this course will show you a better way to manage engagements from simple 1040 tax preparation to comprehensive audits. The Microsoft 365 Planner app, which you are likely already paying for as part of your Microsoft 365 subscription, provides a comprehensive, yet simple solution for all of your client engagements and internal projects. John Higgins, a nationally recognized strategic accounting technology advisor will guide you through the process of how to deploy this app to effectively manage all your projects. This app is effective for sole practitioners and firms of all sizes. This event may be a rebroadcast of a live event and the instructor will be available to answer your questions during the event.

Excel for Staff Level 1 – What You Never Learned (2 hours) [NT]



2.0 Credits

Member Price: $89

Most Staff Accountants learned Excel in college and many others learned Excel on their own, however most users never learned the important productivity tips that help them build spreadsheets more efficiently. This course will teach new and experienced users how to leverage the many productivity tools built within Excel in order to build spreadsheets with maximum effectiveness. This event may be a rebroadcast of a live event and the instructor will be available to answer your questions during the event.

2024 Rewards & Recognition Strategies for Leaders (1 hour) [NT]



1.0 Credits

Member Price: $39

Whether you are responsible for managing 1 employee or 20, your leadership can make or break your team. Learn practical leadership strategies that you can implement when you return to your office. In today’s competitive market, it’s more imperative than ever that as leaders we are inspiring and motivating our teams to success.  

2024 What's Changing in Risk Assessment (2 hours)



2.0 Credits

Member Price: $79

SAS 145, Understanding the Entity and Its Environment and Assessing the Risks of Material Misstatement, was issued in October 2021. The audit standard amends AU-C 315, including many changes to address common audit deficiencies. This course will provide an overview of SAS 145 and its changes to AU-C 315. Attendees will have an opportunity to evaluate the impact on audit methodology and documentation.

Accounting Fraud & Embezzlement: Case Studies from the Trenches (2 hours)



2.0 Credits

Member Price: $79

Governmental entities are the second largest victims of embezzlement.  This seminar examines recent events involving the theft of public money and the circumstances that allowed the fraud to occur.  We will be looking at a variety of case studies to illustrate these points.  

Audit 304: Auditing Basic Investments – Common Risks (2 hours)



2.0 Credits

Member Price: $89

Auditing Investments - Understanding Risks and Procedures for the Most Common Investments will provide an overview for evaluating the proper recognition, measurement and disclosure of the most common investments types. Many small- and mid-size entities hold less-complex investments, including mutual funds, 'plain vanilla' derivatives (such as interest rate swaps), and permanent life insurance policies. Note: This course is recommended as a part of a 16-hour audit skills curriculum for in-charge or supervisor auditors, while it is also appropriate for anyone who has responsibilities for auditing common investments. This event may be a rebroadcast of a live event and the instructor will be available to answer your questions during the event.

Building Your Personal Net Worth: Invest in Your Future (2 hours)



2.0 Credits

Member Price: $79

By the nature of our work and training, financial professionals have more personal finance knowledge than the general population. However, sometimes we spend so much time planning our company's future that we neglect or defer taking steps to build our own personal net worth. If you are dissatisfied about the speed that you are accumulating savings, this session will help put you on the right track. Even if you are meeting your goals, this session will provide insights and ideas which will add to and reinforce what you may already be doing.