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Showing 10202 Vendor Webcasts Results

K2's 2024 Time To Advance Automation – Strategies And Tools For Efficiency (2 hours)



2.0 Credits

Member Price: $79

Increasingly, automating business processes is a necessity. In this session, you will learn about real-world examples of automating business processes. Remember, the survival of your business might depend upon successful automation!

K2's 2024 What's Now, What's Next – Emerging Technologies (2 hours) [NT]



2.0 Credits

Member Price: $79

Participate in this session to learn about key emerging technologies, including quantum computing, artificial intelligence, and selfsupervised learning.

Bounded Ethicality: Exploring the Limits of Ethical Behavior (1 hour) [NT]



1.0 Credits

Member Price: $55

Bounded ethicality explores the edges of ethical decision-making and the invisible borders that exist in our ethical judgment. In an entertaining and enlightening session, we will unveil surprising judgment errors we make when we face ethical dilemmas and search for the reasons behind them. We will explore areas of ethical decision-making where people consistently predict they will do the right thing but rarely do so. We will find out why people repeat stubborn errors of ethical judgment, and review steps that behavioral researchers have identified that can help us stop making these errors once and for all. We will identify ways to recognize our own errors and steps we can take to improve our ethical thinking. This event may be a rebroadcast of a live event and the instructor will be available to answer your questions during the event.

K2's 2023 Excel Charting And Visualizations (4 hours) [NT]



4.0 Credits

Member Price: $129

Charts and graphs are nothing new. However, many professionals struggle with building compelling visualizations. If that statement describes you, participate in this session to improve your skills in creating Excel charts and other visualizations. As a result, you will create visualizations to enhance your communication skills. This session is much more than just a seminar on fundamental charts. Instead, in this session, you will learn how to create advanced charts that are interactive, dynamic, and aesthetically pleasing – three qualities that will help to ensure that your readers and audience will understand the data you are presenting. This seminar is a must if you want to improve your communication skills.

SECURE Act 2.0: What You Need to Know (1 hour)



1.0 Credits

Member Price: $39

Signed by President Biden on December 29, 2022, as part of the Consolidation Appropriations Act, this program provides an explanation of the Secure Act 2.0 provisions impacting individuals and business taxpayers.  Learn what you need to know for this filing season and how to plan for future years for your clients. **Please Note:  If you need credit reported to the IRS for this IRS approved program, please download the IRS CE request form on the Course Materials Tab and submit to

The Controllership Series – Sales, Collections and Customer Credit (1.5 hours)



2.0 Credits

Member Price: $59

Why do for profit organizations exist??? To make money!!!!! What a great concept. But if the organization does not have the proper collections and credit procedures in place, they may not be able to access that money. Hence the importance of the credit and collection process.Credit and collections are critical areas for the financial statement controllers. Customer credit is a form of payment that allows small business customers to purchase a product or service before paying for it in full. The process works similarly to the way a credit card does - you procure something and pay it back later. Collections is a term used by a business when referring to money owed to that business by a customer. When a customer does not pay within the terms specified, the amount of the bill becomes past due and is sometimes submitted to a collection agency. The sales and collection process includes business activities related to selling products and services, maintaining customer records, billing customers, and recording payments from customers. It also includes activities necessary to manage accounts receivable, such as aging accounts and authorizing credit. This course delves into the topics that impact the sales, credit and collections process for management. We discuss strategic steps management can take to ensure their processes are efficient and that they are able to actually collect their revenue.  

Surgent's Mastering the Basics of Inventory Accounting (4 hours)



4.0 Credits

Member Price: $159

While many entities maintain inventory, they are often challenged when applying the complexities of inventory accounting. The goal of this course is to provide a detailed overview of inventory accounting concepts that can be applied to a variety of inventory types. The course will cover the basics of inventory capitalization, for both book and tax, as well as the basic inventory valuation methods, LIFO, FIFO, weighted average, and specific identification. Then the course will give a more detailed review of the LIFO and retail methodologies. It will cover the topics of inventory obsolescence reserves and other issues related to inventory accounting, including a discussion of how COVID-19 has impacted these accounting considerations. This course will be the one-shop stop to get you up-to-speed on the accounting for this critical, revenue-producing asset.

Cases in Corporate Ethics: Discuss Real Life Conflicts (4 hours)



4.0 Credits

Member Price: $149

If you have ever had someone just read you the rules in an ethics class, you know there is a better way. Cases in Corporate Ethics reviews 10 real life cases and puts you in the position of someone in the middle of it all. You'll learn about conflicts that corporate financial professionals often encounter, you'll gain skills for dealing with a boss who is behaving badly and find out where to go for help. Once you have studied ethics using real world cases, you'll never want to do it any other way. This event may be a rebroadcast of a live event and the instructor will be available to answer your questions during the event.

2024 Annual Update for Governmental Accountants & Auditors



8.0 Credits

Member Price: $239

This course begins with a look at the GASB standards effective this year, including GASB 100, Accounting Changes and Error Corrections and GASB 101, Compensated Absences. We'll include practical application of the topics in the form of case studies. We'll then switch gears to review the GASB standards coming down the pike, including major projects of the GASB. When considering the audit side of the house, Yellow Book and Single Audit engagements are considered must-select engagements for Peer Review. This course will cover the Yellow Book independence requirements which are required any time an auditor performs a Yellow Book or Single Audit even when the engagement is for a for-profit entity. The session will also cover the changes to the Uniform Guidance. We'll close with a look at the key changes in the 2024 Compliance Supplement and the common deficiencies identified by the federal agencies and peer reviewers. This event may be a rebroadcast of a live event and the instructor will be available to answer your questions during the event.

Surgent's Audits of 401(k) Plans: New Developments and Critical Issues



8.0 Credits

Member Price: $299

One of the most favored employee benefit plans, the 401(k) plan, provides unique challenges for auditors. Also, as many 401(k) plan administrators opt for ERISA Section 103(a)(3)(C) audits, audits of 401(k) plans will be significantly impacted by the now-effective SAS 136, the AICPA's new employee benefit plan auditing standard. Through this course, auditors will obtain an understanding of the rules and regulations unique to employee benefit plans and obtain practical guidance on applying them. Auditors will enhance their knowledge of the performance and reporting requirements of SAS 136 through real-world examples, best practices, and efficient audit techniques that can be utilized in various audit engagements. Make sure your audits don't trigger a DOL inspection by conforming to all applicable rules and regulations.

Teaching CPAs to be Better Thinkers (1 hour) [NT]



1.0 Credits

Member Price: $55

Designed especially for CPAs, this class is a practical call to action that provides CPAs with the tools and inspiration they need to be better thinkers. You'll learn habits and strategies you can use every day to dramatically improve judgment and decision-making. You'll learn how to break down mental barriers and alleviate mental fatigue. You'll achieve new levels of mental clarity, flexibility, and resilience. You will also benefit from better overall mental well-being and be more resistant to stress and burnout. Attendees leave as more powerful and confident thinkers and better communicators and problem-solvers. This event may be a rebroadcast of a live event and the instructor will be available to answer your questions during the event.

2024 Risk Assessment – A Common Deficiency (1 hour)



1.0 Credits

Member Price: $39

The AICPA has determined than 1 in 10 firms are not compliant with the risk assessment standards. This course will discuss how to properly identify risks and assess risks under AU-C 315. We will then review how to respond to identified risks under AU-C 330. The course will focus on the inherent risk model. We will also review common deficiencies and how a proper risk assessment can drive a more efficient and effective audit.

2024 Best-In-Class Recruiting Strategies (1 hour) [NT]



1.0 Credits

Member Price: $39

With over 4.3 employees leaving their jobs as of early 2022, The Great Resignation presents a huge challenge for companies as they attract and retain talent. During this course, you'll learn practical strategies you can implement immediately to ensure you have the right tools in your toolbox to win the war on talent. 

Forensic and Fraud Interviewing Techniques and Skills (2.2 hours)



2.0 Credits

Member Price: $79

In forensic accounting, interviewing is used to obtain important information from witnesses and suspects. An important aspect is the ability of investigators to obtain accurate and reliable information from victims, witnesses and the suspects or any interviewee. The interview process is an essential part of information gathering for any investigation. The importance of improving the quality of the interviewing with the potential for visual recording of all interviews should be placed high on the agenda of all organizations across the globe. A properly conducted forensic interview can result in an extreme benefit regarding collection of information. The interviewer’s role is to develop a full understanding of the facts. There is a distinct difference between a forensic interview and a criminal interrogation. Typically, forensic auditors will not be involved in interrogations. The Canadian or U.S. forensic accounting profession does not have a standardized interview model to truly equip its professionals with the interview tools required to elicit confessions ethically. Majority of their skills are developed through experience, and not through a standardized model of training.  This session focuses on various interview concepts and methods.  

K2's 2024 Getting Started With Artificial Intelligence (2 hours)



2.0 Credits

Member Price: $79

Generative AI tools such as ChatGPT, Bard, and Copilot are available to everyone and offer great promise for improved productivity. Learn how you can begin to take advantage of these tools by participating in this session.

Surgent's Contract Law for Accounting and Finance Professionals (2 hours)



2.0 Credits

Member Price: $99

Accounting and finance professionals routinely encounter a broad range of legal issues while advising clients or performing routine job functions. Contract law tops the list as the most frequent issue that intersects with the accounting and finance professions. As trusted advisors, it is wise to understand the fundamentals of contract law for both personal and professional benefit. This course provides a broad overview of contract law basics geared specifically toward the accounting and finance professions. From contract formation to enforceability, this course offers an interesting look at how contract law intersects with accounting and finance. Participants should walk away with a better understanding of common issues that arise when reviewing contracts.

2024 Year-End Tax Planning: Thinking Outside the Box (4 hours)



4.0 Credits

Member Price: $129

Tax planning is more than an estimated tax calculation, it's a process.  Where are we now and what can we change?  This timely program will highlight significant 2022-23 tax developments and discuss key tax planning ideas for your clients as you prepare for the upcoming tax season. Don’t wait until late December to start planning for your clients! **Please Note:  If you need credit reported to the IRS for this IRS approved program, please download the IRS CE request form on the Course Materials Tab and submit to

2024 Multistate Taxation – Issues and Planning Opportunities



8.0 Credits

Member Price: $225

Join our course on Multistate Taxation – Issues and Planning Opportunities designed for financial professionals. Learn about crucial topics like nexus implications, state taxable income calculations, and audit defense strategies. Gain practical insights to integrate these considerations into client financial plans effectively. From deciphering complex formulas to understanding state-specific regulations, this course equips you with actionable knowledge to excel in finance. Explore multistate business activities, choice of business entity, and interstate commerce clauses. By course completion, you'll be ready to identify common pitfalls, mitigate risks, and ensure compliance with multistate taxation. Join us and navigate the complexities of finance confidently. **Please Note:  If you need credit reported to the IRS for this IRS approved program, please download the IRS CE request form on the Course Materials Tab and submit to

2024 Annual Update for Governments and Not-for-Profits



8.0 Credits

Member Price: $225

We kick off this course with a look at the GASB standards that are effective this year including GASB 100, Accounting Changes and Error Corrections and GASB 101, Compensated Absences.  We then move to the NFP side of the house with a look at the Accounting Standard Updates issued by the FASB that impacts nonprofit entities. Following that, we review the work of the Not-for-Profit Advisory Committee (NAC) and the projects they advise the FASB on. After the break, we will conduct a deeper dive into Yellow Book and Single Audit engagements. The course closes with a look at the significant changes in the 2024 Compliance Supplement, the changes to the Uniform Guidance and the common deficiencies identified by the federal agencies and peer reviewers. 

2024 Section 174: New Rules for the R&E Deduction (1 hour)



1.0 Credits

Member Price: $39

This program addresses the most recent developments impacting taxpayers incurring research and experimentation costs.  Emphasis will be placed on compliance with the 2022 change in Section 174 Amortization of research and experimental expenditures. **Please Note:  If you need credit reported to the IRS for this IRS approved program, please download the IRS CE request form on the Course Materials Tab and submit to