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Showing 13280 Vendor Webcasts Results

Big Picture Mega-Trends, Big Data, and World We Now Face (2 hours)



2.0 Credits

Member Price: $79

It is easy for us to get caught up in our work, but it is better to examine the ‘big picture’ by studying the outside factors that impact our business beyond our internal processes and day to day responsibilities. We are sometimes so busy with our tasks that we miss new developments until the developments have a profound impact on us and the organization. This session is designed to review many of these current trends, while thinking and discussing how these trends can impact our organizations and us. This is a fun and lively session that is intended to be interactive with participants either live, virtual or both. Our ever-changing world is evolving more than many realize.

DEI From the Inside Out: Part 2 (3 hours) [NT]



3.0 Credits

Member Price: $99

In this session, we will underscore the significance of adopting a growth mindset, as conceptualized by Dr. Carol Dweck, as a cornerstone for achieving success in Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) initiatives. A common stumbling block in DEI efforts is the resistance to altering mindsets concerning the goals and objectives of DEI. Through interactive discussions, we will concentrate on dispelling fixed mindsets and cultivating an outlook of continuous growth in the realm of DEI. Achieving success in Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) requires a blend of motivation, synergy, and energy. This session aims to dissect the often-overlooked role of motivation in the DEI landscape, demonstrating how it serves as a catalyst for individuals and leaders to surmount obstacles and attain success. Our model disrupts the conventional discourse by placing motivation at the forefront of DEI considerations, emphasizing the importance of understanding the underlying purpose as the true north. The ultimate aim of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) is cultural integration. In the context of our 3M framework, the final "Memorization" component is strategically designed to imprint the necessity of prioritizing DEI and seamlessly weaving it into the organizational culture. This element is pivotal in fortifying our DEI endeavors.

Fraud Assessment for Small and Medium Sized Businesses (4 hours) [NT]



4.0 Credits

Member Price: $129

It is virtually impossible to pick up the daily newspaper and not find an article on some type of fraudulent event. In the wake of the “Era of Fraud, Waste and Excess,” one might suspect that potential fraudsters would think twice before committing illegal acts. However, just the opposite seems to be the case.  Is there really more fraud or is there simply more fraud awareness?  The harsh reality is that it is a little bit of each.  Not only has fraud worldwide reached a level of over $7.0 billion in lost  revenue but savvy C-level executives now realize that it could happen to their companies—very easily. When you put these facts together, it adds up to a completely new era of vigilance.

Data Analytics: Practical Insights for Today's Accountant (2 hours)



2.0 Credits

Member Price: $89

This session explores tools and techniques that can enhance the efficiency and effectiveness of client engagements and business processes using data analysis tools. We will introduce some of today's popular and software tools and examine the AICPA's Five-step approach to incorporating data analytics into public accounting engagements. This event may be a rebroadcast of a live event and the instructor will be available to answer your questions during the event.

Invest in Your Mental Health and Avoid Burnout (2 hours) [NT]



2.0 Credits

Member Price: $89

For the ambitious female finance professional, working hard and going above and beyond are necessary for success. Sadly, taking time to care for themselves can be seen as counter-productive to meeting their career goals. Over ninety percent of women executives are feeling significantly higher levels of stress that they attribute to increased responsibilities and priorities outside the workplace compared to life before the pandemic. Burnout is a syndrome resulting from chronic workplace stress that causes exhaustion, negativity toward one's job and reduced professional efficacy. It has become so pervasive that it's now recognized as an occupational phenomenon by the World Health Organization. To reignite your enthusiasm at work, you don't necessarily need to find a new job or time for a spa day or bubble bath. You need concrete strategies to invest in your mental health without compromising your ability to rise to the next level in your career. This event may be a rebroadcast of a live event and the instructor will be available to answer your questions during the event.

Analyzing Form W9s for 1099 Prep 2024 (1 hour)



1.0 Credits

Member Price: $49

In this class, we will look at the true beginning of the Form 1099 preparation process: when a relationship with a new vendor is started. We will look at a series of Form W9s with different state-level and tax entity types. We will use that information to analyze how each vendor's W9, in concert with information about the vendor's goods/services provided, influences what kind of 1099 they may or may not receive come January 31. We will also talk about when a Form W9 should be collected from a new vendor.

Legal Planning for Care Giving of Elderly/Disabled Clients (1 hour)



1.0 Credits

Member Price: $55

It is now common for those who live to the age of 65 to expect to live at least another 20 years. With increased length of life comes the need to understand that certain necessities must be considered for elderly/disabled clients. We walk you through issue spotting, including senior housing and care giving options, guardianships, conservatorships, financial and health care powers of attorney, Medicaid qualification and asset protection planning. This event may be a rebroadcast of a live event and the instructor will be available to answer your questions during the event.

Small Business Risk Avoidance (4 hours) [NT]



4.0 Credits

Member Price: $129

Enterprise Risk Management for SMEs

Bumper Sticker Ethics v. Professional Ethics (1 hour)



1.0 Credits

Member Price: $55

Ethics is simple: Do no harm, just tell the truth, keep your word, and when in Rome do as the Romans do. For most people in most circumstances, these "bumper sticker" sayings provide helpful ethical guidelines. For accountants, however, ethics -- and especially, professional ethics -- can quickly turn into a tangle of ethical conflicts and competing rules. This workshop untangles some of these situations by working from ethical theory and practice. This event may be a rebroadcast of a live event and the instructor will be available to answer your questions during the event.

2024 Listening to the Statement of Cash Flows (2 hours)



2.0 Credits

Member Price: $79

This course will allow you to get reacquainted with the statement of cash flows. We will refresh your skills regarding both the preparation and utilization of the statement of cash flows. Significant emphasis will be placed on the informational role of the statement of cash flows and insights that can be obtained using the statement of cash flows in concert with the other elements of a company’s accrual-basis financial statements.

Communicating Financial Information to Non-Accountants (2 hours)



2.0 Credits

Member Price: $89

Do you ever get blank looks when you present your company's financial statements? Does your board nod knowingly, during your presentation, but never seem to have any meaningful questions? It could be that they have no idea what you are talking about and are just pretending to understand! Learn how to connect with your CEO, board, fellow managers, and ordinary employees so they understand your message. Learn to motivate them to action. Come hear a veteran CFO tell you how. This event may be a rebroadcast of a live event and the instructor will be available to answer your questions during the event.

Surgent's Enterprise Risk Management Concepts and Strategy for Small and Medium-Sized Companies (4 hours)



4.0 Credits

Member Price: $159

2020 taught us that major risks can come at us from any direction and with barely a warning. All organizations operate in a risk environment, but all too often, they either don't realize it or they don't develop a strategy to deal with the risks. In this session, we will explore how risks work in both for-profit and not-for-profit organizations and how they can develop a strategy to identify, evaluate, and mitigate those risks. This program will not teach how to eliminate risks, but how to strategize how to reduce their total effect. We will liberally use case studies of both for-profit and not-for-profit companies to bridge the gap between concept and actual implementation. In each area we will explore what our experiences of the pandemic have taught us about this part of risk management.

Documenting Your EBP Audit: What You Need to Know



8.0 Credits

Member Price: $332

Document the work and thought process behind your employee benefit plan audit.

Surgent's Preparing C Corporation Tax Returns for New Staff and Paraprofessionals



8.0 Credits

Member Price: $279

This course is a great foundation to introduce new preparers to tax rules related to business returns. The course provides new staff coverage of tax areas affecting all business entities, providing staff training which they may carry to other business entity returns. Such business tax topics include the sale of assets used in any trade or business (Form 4797), depreciation (Form 4562), deductible vs. non-deductible items, and the basics of uniform capitalization. The objective of this course is to train new staff accountants, data processing employees, paraprofessionals, and bookkeepers to prepare a complicated federal corporate income tax return. It is a hands-on, practical course in filling out most tax forms, with extra emphasis on form changes due to new tax law.

Walter Haig's GAAP for SMEs, Tax & Cash Frameworks Update



8.0 Credits

Member Price: $239

This course provides an update of the recent changes that have occurred in the financial reporting frameworks commonly used by small and medium-sized entities (SMEs). Troublesome areas in these financial reporting frameworks as identified in peer reviews and litigation will be highlighted. This event may be a rebroadcast of a live event and the instructor will be available to answer your questions during the event.

Surgent's Choosing the Right Business Entity (2 hours)



2.0 Credits

Member Price: $99

The business structure a client chooses influences virtually every tax and financial issue associated with the business, including the business's day-to-day operations, its tax liability, how much of the owners' personal assets are at risk, and much more. For this and many other reasons, it is critical that a client choose a business structure that gives the right balance of legal protections and tax benefits. From a tax perspective, in terms of selecting an entity to do business in, the universe shifted with the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act enacted at the end of 2017. The tax rate for C corporations was lowered to 21% and the 199A deduction offered pass-through entities the chance to significantly lower the rate at which they are taxed. But how do all these options work and which option is best for which business? Those questions are at the heart of this webinar. In this program, we discuss whether there is a "best entity" for our clients. Tax practitioners know that re-examining choice of entity determination is at the top of the agenda for client meetings because clients continue to want reassurance that they have the most tax-efficient entity structure. This program will equip you with the knowledge and insights you need to lead those discussions.

2024 Financial & Tax Accounting for S Corporations (4 hours)



4.0 Credits

Member Price: $129

This program addresses the many complex financial and tax accounting issues that are common in S corporation transactions, with discussion of common pitfalls and the new AICPA "small" GAAP accounting standards.

2024 Fiduciary Accounting for Estates and Trusts (4 hours)



4.0 Credits

Member Price: $129

Financial accounting for trusts and estates is one of the least understood branches of accounting. It is not particularly concerned with recording income and expenses but is obsessed with determining whether receipts and expenditures are assigned to income or principal/corpus. This course will dive into this tricky area and provide a reporting guide for fiduciary accounting.

Surgent's Preparing Not-for-Profit Financial Statements



8.0 Credits

Member Price: $279

In order to prepare accurate and effective not-for-profit financial statements, professionals must have a strong working knowledge of the reporting requirements. Now is the time to obtain that knowledge! This course explains the requirements, illustrates how the requirements manifest in the financial statements, and clarifies options available to not-for-profits in applying the requirements. The course covers key accounting areas that affect not-for-profits, including revenue recognition, contributions, and leases. The course materials utilize a highly illustrative and innovative format, including over 30 focused exercises to provide an enhanced working knowledge of not-for-profit accounting and reporting.

Watch Your Mouth! Microaggression Awareness for CPAs (2 hours) [NT]



2.0 Credits

Member Price: $89

This course aims to raise awareness of microaggressions in the accounting profession and the impact that they can have on individuals and ethical behavior. Participants will learn about the forms that microaggressions can take, the ways in which they can impact Black professionals in particular, and strategies for creating a more inclusive and supportive work environment. This event may be a rebroadcast of a live event and the instructor will be available to answer your questions during the event.