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Membership / Dues FAQs

OSCPA supports you at every stage of your career. Become a part of the professional community for Oregon CPAs. 

Membership renewals are due by April 1 of each year. Click here to renew your membership today!

2025-26 OSCPA Membership Categories & Dues
Voting Members

Active Members (A) – $455
Members in public practice, who live or work in Oregon, have ownership in a public accounting firm, and whose original CPA certificate is dated more than six years prior to the start of the fiscal year. 

Active Members (B) – $370
Members who are employed in industry, education, and government. Also Active members in public accounting who do not meet the criteria listed in category A above and do not qualify for Affiliate membership or another type of membership.

Retired Members – $90
Any person who (a) holds a certificate as a certified public accountant under the laws of any state, or has held a certificate at some point and that certificate has not been revoked for disciplinary reasons or actions as referenced in Article XI (4)(B) and (b) is fully retired from employment, or (c), if employed as a business professional, works less than an average of twenty hours per week calculated on an annual basis, and d) currently lives or works in Oregon, may change their status to Retired Voting Member by submitting a request to the Society.

Life Members – $0
Any person who (a) has been an Active Member of the Society continuously for a period of forty years and (b) has served for at least one year as a chair or vice chair of a committee, an officer of a chapter, or in leadership as a member of the Board of Directors of the Society, The OSCPA Educational Foundation, Oregon Certified Public Accountant / Legislative Action Committee (OCPA/LAC), OSCPA Group Health Trust or other Society boards may change their status to Life Member by submitting written information on the Member’s eligibility as a Life Member to the Society. Life Members shall be exempt from dues.

Affiliate Members

Associate Members – $240
Any person who (a) has passed the Uniform CPA Examination but has not qualified in other respects to receive the certificate, or (b) holds a certificate as a certified public accountant from any state, but resides and has a business or place of employment outside of Oregon, or (c) holds a certificate or similar instrument, which is deemed substantially equivalent to the certificate in Oregon, may apply to the Society for membership as an Associate Member.

Retired Members – $90
Any Affiliate Member who (a) is fully retired from employment or, (b) if employed as a business professional, works less than an average of twenty hours per week, calculated on an annual basis, may change their status to Retired Affiliate, by submitting a request to the Society.

Temporarily Left Work Force / Limited Employment – $90
Any person who (1) is either (a) unemployed, (b) on extended leave or very limited employment due to personal circumstances such as a medical condition or caregiving role, or (c) is in active military service, or (d) is a full-time student, and (2) who was an Active  or Affiliate Member at the time of the original request, may apply on an annual basis, by submitting a request to the Society, for status as a Temporarily Left the Work Force or Limited Employment Member.

CPA Candidate Members – $90
Members who have graduated from a college or university and are pursuing successful completion of the Uniform CPA Examination, may apply to the Society for membership. 

Student Members – $0 (Continuous through graduation)
Members who are not eligible for CPA Candidate, Associate, Active or Temporarily Left Work Force status and who are at least 18 years old and a part-time or full-time student, with an emphasis in accounting or related business field, at a college or university. 

Non-CPA Professional - $240
Any person who has never been certified, nor eligible to be an associate, candidate, or student member who: a) works in a public accounting member firm, and is either an owner, shareholder, partner, office manager, billable professional, HR director/recruiter, technology professional, marketing director, legal staff, or firm administrator*; b) is employed in an accounting or finance-related field and works directly with a Voting member in business & industry or government; or c) is employed as an educator teaching accounting or accounting-related courses at a high school, college, or university.

*Firms with an OSCPA Firm Membership may designate up to two administrators selected by a partner or shareholder for complimentary membership.

When do I need to renew my OSCPA membership?

OSCPA dues are payable by April 1. Timely payment means you won't miss any publications, CPE discounts, or use of member services and benefits. Prompt payment also saves your professional association the cost of additional mailings. Enroll in our automatic payment option to take the worry out of membership renewals.

Are my dues tax deductible?

OSCPA dues may be deductible as a business expense; they are not deductible as a charitable contribution. The OSCPA estimates 12.9% of annual dues is not deductible as a business expense because of the OSCPA's advocacy activities on behalf of members.

What form of payment does the OSCPA accept?

You can renew with a personal check, business check, MasterCard, Visa, Discover, or American Express.

Can I set up auto-pay for my annual dues?

Yes! Enroll in our auto-pay option, and your card will be charged on or around April 1st of each year.

The dues category on my invoice is incorrect, how do I change it?

So that we can serve you best, please email or call us at 503-641-7200 / 800-255-1470, option 4, to adjust your dues category.

I'm retiring, can I pay a reduced membership?

The OSCPA has two retired membership categories:

  1. Retired Voting Members - Any person who (a) holds a certificate as a certified public accountant under the laws of any state, or has held a certificate at some point and that certificate has not been revoked for disciplinary reasons or actions as referenced in Article XI (4)(B), and (b) is fully retired from employment, or (c), if employed as a business professional, works less than an average of twenty hours per week calculated on an annual basis, and e) currently lives or works in Oregon.
  2. Retired Affiliate Members - Any Affiliate member who (a) is fully retired from employment or (b), if employed as a business professional, works less than an average of twenty hours per week calculated on an annual basis.

So that we can serve you best, please 503-641-7200 / 800-255-1470, option 4, or email the Society to request retired membership.

I am currently not working or have very limited employment. What alternative membership options are available?

Any OSCPA member who (1) is either (a) unemployed, (b) on extended leave or very limited employment due to personal circumstances such as a medical condition or caregiving role, or (c) is in active military service, or (d) is a full-time student, and (2) who was an Active or Affiliate Member at the time of the original request, may apply on an annual basis, by submitting a request to the Society, for status as a Temporarily Left the Work Force or Limited Employment Member.

What are my membership benefits?

As a member you have access to valuable benefits, including Bridge™, your online professional collaboration community; discount programs; insurance programs; networking events; CPE savings; and more. Learn more about your membership benefits here.

What are the special CPE offers available to me when I renew my membership?

Take advantage of this year's members-only special online CPE offer to get the CPE you need and savings you want when you renew your membership with OSCPA.

Are there benefits I receive by being both an OSCPA and AICPA member?
  • Life Insurance: If you belong to both the OSCPA and AICPA and are under age 55, up to $2.5 million in coverage is available. If you're only an AICPA member, you may apply for up to $2 million. OSCPA members who do not belong to AICPA may request up to $500,000.
  • CGMA Designation: OSCPA members who are qualified AICPA voting members receive a $50 discount off the designation. 
Am I listed in a Member Directory?

The OSCPA Member Directory is accessible to members only, via Bridge™. If you do not wish to have your name listed in the directory, visit: On the Account tab, change Allow Finding to "No", and hit the Save Changes button at the bottom of the screen. For assistance, contact

How are my dues used?

Membership dues provide the highest quality benefits and services possible, including but not limited to: 

  • Advocacy: OSCPA members are seen as go-to experts by legislators. In fact, members (such as those on the OSCPA Taxation and Legislative Policy Strategic Committees) put in hours of work reviewing bills and testifying in Salem. The OSCPA even provides an Oregon Legislators' Tax Guide to state legislators to help them navigate filing their own taxes. These volunteer efforts are a great benefit to the citizens of Oregon. Here's more on the OSCPA's advocacy efforts.
  • Member-to-Member Networking: Strategic and Project Committee volunteer opportunities advance your knowledge while expanding your circle of professional contacts. The OSCPA has seven active Chapters across the state that provide local networking opportunities with other members. Connect with your peers via OSCPA's online community, Bridge™. Post on industry hot topics, ask questions, share resources and start communicating. In addition, members can follow our LinkedIn, Instagram, Facebook, and X to stay on top of professional news, jobs recently listed in the Career Center, and more.
  • Information Resources: OSCPA offers timely updates on accounting issues provided to you via Accounting Connect, your quarterly digital magazine; a state-of-the-art website that keeps you connected and in the know on the latest happenings in the profession; and weekly targeted epublications.
  • Quality Continuing Professional Education: From on-site to self-study, online CPE, seminars and conferences, quality CPE is available in the format that is most convenient to you. Ethics courses are available in a variety of formats to fulfill your licensure requirements. Preferred member pricing is available for all CPE events. In addition, the OSCPA provides an online CPE Tracker so you can see how many credit hours you have and find courses you need.
  • Preferred Savings Programs: OSCPA provides discounts on business services, and Firm Members get access to exclusive pricing for insurance programs. Members also receive discounts on print and online classifieds, as well as job postings on the OSCPA website.
How are contributions to the OCPA/Legislative Action Committee (OCPA/LAC) used?

Voluntary contributions to the Oregon CPA/Legislative Action Committee enable us to personally visit with lawmakers to advocate for the profession.

How are contributions to The OSCPA Educational Foundation used?

The OSCPA Educational Foundation was founded in 1985 and has been providing talented Oregon college accounting students with educational scholarships ever since. By contributing to the foundation, you are helping students achieve their educational goals and secure a pipeline of CPA candidates in Oregon.

At this time, I no longer wish to remain a member. Do I need to notify the OSCPA?

Yes. To resign your membership, please call us at 800-255-1470 / 503-641-7200, option 4, or send a membership resignation email to

If we have not answered your questions, please contact us at 503-641-7200 / 800-255-1470, option 4, or