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Member Spotlight: Hannah Krantz

November 03, 2023


Hannah Krantz
Corban University
2023 OSCPA Educational Foundation Recipient
Dougall Conradie LLC Scholarship

Why do you want to become a CPA? What aspects of the profession are you most passionate about?
I want to become a CPA to help people in an area where a lot of people struggle. Finances can be super difficult and confusing, and many people don’t have the time and energy to deal with them. I love getting lost in the numbers, and if that helps someone else focus on something they are passionate about, it’s a win for everyone.

How will you define success as a CPA?
I will define success as a CPA through the relationships built with clients and the quality of my work. I really want to make sure that my future clients feel really confident in my abilities and my advice. Establishing a good work ethic and a solid reputation are high priorities for my career’s success.

Do you have any mentors? Who do you look to for advice and/or support?
I have to give a huge shoutout to Dr. Bernard, he is such an amazing mentor who is willing to drop whatever he is doing and help you figure out whatever issue you are having. I truly would not be on the path I am right now without him.

Tell us how you achieved one of your most recent professional goals. Who or what helped you reach this accomplishment?
One of my most recent professional goals is to gain some experience in private accounting. I had the amazing opportunity to work as the accounting intern for Momenta Consulting LLC and learn all about the practical business application of accounting. I now feel like I have a better understanding of the business side of their finances, and will be able to directly apply that to my future career as a CPA.

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