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Member Spotlight: Aaron Hiddleson

June 13, 2024



Aaron Hiddleson
Oregon Secretary of State Audits Division, Salem

Was it worth it to get your CPA credential? 
Absolutely! It's the "icing on the cake" for this journey I've been on. As an accounting professional with a CPA certification, I'm able to provide for my family in ways I wasn't able to prior to having my CPA credential. I am proud to be counted among such a dedicated group of professionals. 

Who inspired you along the way? 
I had several professors at Linn Benton Community College and Oregon State University who really helped me believe that I could be a successful student, accounting professional, and eventually become a CPA. My family was also a huge inspiration. This is my second career and I was inspired to go for my accounting degree and CPA certification by my wife, children, and parents. I couldn't have done it without their support.

What do you love about your job? 
I love being a governmental auditor for the State of Oregon. I work with a great team of professionals, many of whom are also CPAs, and we all like doing quality work for the people of Oregon. I really like that I serve a bigger purpose by auditing the books of the state (even if hardly anyone reads our reports). I also love the work itself, it's always a challenge each time we audit an agency or account. 

How has being an OSCPA member benefitted you? 
I've benefited from being an OSCPA member by having access to training, both live and online. The quality of the training is excellent. Also, I've been able to network at live events such as the Circle of Excellence banquet and live training events. At these events, I've gotten to know many more people I wouldn't have met otherwise. 

What advice would you give a new CPA? 
It's the same advice I give to anyone; do what you love to do. Find what interests you and do that. It will make your personal life and well-being much better when you enjoy your work. Work hard, learn new things, get out of your comfort zone, and build your expertise, but don't forget to have work life balance. The great thing about being a CPA is it usually affords us the ability to do things (professionally and personally) many people don't have the opportunity to do and that's an amazing thing. 

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