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Member Spotlight: Ryan Kirkland

October 24, 2023



Ryan Kirkland
Corban University
2023 OSCPA Educational Foundation Recipient
Fluence PC Scholarship

Why do you want to become a CPA? What aspects of the profession are you most passionate about?
I'm interested in becoming a CPA because of the opportunities it provides in helping and serving others. I love the numbers and problem-solving involved in accounting, and I think public accounting would allow me to use those passions to help and serve other people and businesses. I think having the CPA license paves a way for me to learn more about accounting and use that knowledge and insight in impactful ways for others. 

How will you define success as a CPA? 
Success is more than just money and authority in the workplace. I think success involves using what we do to help and serve others. We all have strengths, and I think putting those abilities into practice with the intention to serve effectively is my ultimate goal. As a CPA, this would mean incorporating my knowledge and skills for my clients in a successful way. 

Do you have any mentors? Who do you look to for advice and/or support? 
One of my current mentors is Dr. Bryce Bernard, my academic advisor at Corban University. He has been a great influence in my education and my decision to pursue becoming a CPA. His guidance and advice for my career also flows through as everyday life advice that helps me immensely. I've had plenty of other mentors in my life from prior jobs and from family life that have influenced me personally in many ways as well. My parents and siblings are some of my greatest support, and I am extremely grateful for them.

Tell us how you achieved one of your most recent professional goals. Who or what helped you reach this accomplishment? 
I have been looking for Winter internships in 2024 so I can grow in my skills and knowledge during tax season. I completed my resumé and applied to multiple firms that Dr. Bernard suggested I should pursue in early October. I finished my interviews with some firms later and, as of today (10/23/2023), I received an offer from one of the firms I was hoping to work with. I was able to get my first internship last tax season because I made some connections with the firm during high school, and now I'm able to have a bit of experience on my resumé, which helped me significantly when I was looking for my next internship. 

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