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Member Spotlight: Sarah Luginbill

November 03, 2023


Sarah Luginbill
University of Oregon
2023 OSCPA Educational Foundation Recipient
PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP Scholarship

Why do you want to become a CPA? What aspects of the profession are you most passionate about?
I want to become a CPA because of how vital it is in the industry. I feel that a CPA license is the ultimate test of knowledge and once you have achieved it then others can see the wealth of knowledge the individual possesses. It also shows others that don’t have a license that you can help them. I’m passionate about the accounting industry because of the leadership and accountability the profession upholds.

How will you define success as a CPA?
My success will be defined as how far I am able to go. A CPA license is one cog in a large machine and the best way to show the success is how well that machine can operate. People always say to dream big and my dream is to achieve a CPA license and become a partner or executive in a company.

Do you have any mentors? Who do you look to for advice and/or support?
Going along this path alone has not been easy. I have sought advice and help from multiple people across my time with University of Oregon. However, no one has stood out as much as Mary Savage and Jody Johnson. Both have helped lift my spirits in times of doubt and helped me when I needed the support.

Tell us how you achieved one of your most recent professional goals. Who or what helped you reach this accomplishment?
One of my recent achievements was hosting one of the best Meet the Firms at UO in recent years. This grew not only my connections with firms but other students as well. Many hours went into planning the event and making sure the stakeholders were happy with the event. I could not have done it without my team behind me, backing me up the entire way.

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